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Your Supabase Instance

Start with local development using Supabase CLI. We recommend working with a local Supabase instance to create safe migrations before pushing them to your cloud or hosted Supabase instance. Here's what you need to know:

Get Docker

To work with a local Supabase Instance you need to run a database container with a running docker daemon. We recommend getting Docker. You can find instructions on Get Docker

Environment variables

Before development, whether you are starting from an example or adding to an existing project, you need a /supabase directory for local development. This is where your Supabase project lives.

Initialize or scaffold your Supabase project

You can chose whether you want to start with a new Supabase project or if you want to scaffold your Supabase project files:

pnpm db:init
supabase init
degit webscopeio/supabase-modules/apps/next/supabase supabase

From either of these you should have a /supabase directory in your project with at least config.toml and seed.sql files.


When you initialize a Supabase projecet. You do not need to generate VS Code settings for Deno.

Once you've made sure you have a Supabase project. You can use the CLI to get the Supabase development stack started and get the information you need.

pnpm db:start
supabase start

Once your Supabase Instance is running you should get the following response:

         API URL:
     GraphQL URL:
          DB URL: postgresql://postgres:postgres@
      Studio URL:
    Inbucket URL:
      JWT secret: super-secret-jwt-token-with-at-least-32-characters-long
        anon key: <ANON_KEY>
service_role key: <SERVICE_ROLE_KEY>

From these you will need the API URL and the anon key for your environment variables.

Stop your Supabase Instance

To save resources remember to stop your Supabase Instance once you are done working.

pnpm db:stop
supabase stop